Very Important Person
Date Owner Player Action
26.02.2018 18:51 AdmBot .Alin.[uV] Joined the clan
26.02.2018 17:58 AdmBot 7.RUSSKI.MAFIYOT.7 Joined the clan
26.02.2018 17:15 AdmBot DanielN Joined the clan
26.02.2018 17:09 AdmBot Goe.aTaKmOrTaL Left the clan
26.02.2018 17:09 AdmBot McGregor7777 Left the clan
26.02.2018 17:05 AdmBot Andrei.NSA Joined the clan
26.02.2018 16:55 AdmBot Pyke Got rank 6
26.02.2018 16:55 AdmBot Pyke Got rank 5
26.02.2018 16:55 AdmBot Pyke Got rank 4
26.02.2018 16:55 AdmBot Pyke Got rank 3
26.02.2018 16:55 AdmBot Pyke Got rank 2
26.02.2018 16:55 AdmBot Pyke Joined the clan
26.02.2018 16:24 AdmBot KoVrIg3L Joined the clan
26.02.2018 16:23 AdmBot ruca123 Left the clan
26.02.2018 15:42 AdmBot Shock.Capone Joined the clan